Oral Presentation at UDM-KDD 2023

Image credit: Zhe Jiang


With the advancement of GPS, remote sensing, and computational simulations, large amounts of geospatial and spatiotemporal data are being collected at an increasing speed. Such emerging spatiotemporal big data assets, together with the recent progress of deep learning technologies, provide unique opportunities to transform society. However, it is widely recognized that deep learning sometimes makes unexpected and incorrect predictions with unwarranted confidence, causing severe consequences in high-stake decision-making applications (e.g., disaster management, medical diagnosis, autonomous driving). Uncertainty quantification (UQ) aims to estimate a deep learning model confidence. This paper provides a brief overview of UQ of deep learning for spatiotemporal data, including its unique challenges and existing methods. We particularly focus on the importance of uncertainty sources. We also identify several future research directions related to spatiotemporal data.

Aug 6, 2023 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM
Long Beach Convention Center
300 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802
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Wenchong He
Wenchong He
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida. My broad research areas are data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Specifically my research focuses on spatiotemporal data mining, knowledge-informed machine learning, trustworthy AI as well as interdisciplinary scientific applications in climate science, environmental monitoring and physics simulation. I am on the academic and industry job market for tenure-track faculty or research scientist position.